Pariah features standard first-person shooter gameplay, largely influenced by the Unreal franchise, particularly Unreal 2 (whose game engine Pariah
is based on). The single-player and multi-player game feature drivable
vehicles that may be used in combat. The game's most remarkable feature
is the use of collectible Weapon Energy Cores with which to upgrade the
player's weapons, giving them additional features and greater power.
Each weapon in the game can be upgraded a total of 3 times.
Pariah notably omits to explain key background information
about the plot and the in-game universe from the player, and thus much
of the story progresses without any context or background for the player
to identify with. Even at the end of the game, many key plot points
remain largely unexplained, leaving it up to the player to conjecture as
to what really happened.
The game takes place 30 years after mankind fought a devastating war
against an enemy known as "The Shroud". Exactly who or what the Shroud
are is never actually explained. At the end of the game they are shown
to be hairless humans with corpse-white skin and highly advanced
technology, although whether they are aliens, terrorists, mutants, or
something else is never clearly revealed. Supposedly, the Shroud were
vanquished 30 years ago, but their reappearance towards the end of the
game shows that this is not true.
In the wake of the war, a large portion of the Earth is now an
uncivilized wasteland known as "the Zone", inhabited by Scavengers, the
violent descendants of prisoners and convicts who were released by the
Shroud during the war. Human civilization is now controlled by a
government known as the Alliance. According to the game manual, the
Alliance mostly live in off-world colonies on other planets, but this is
never shown or mentioned in the game. Torrent